Starting a strict skin care regimen 6 months before your wedding day is a great way to ensure that natural glow of healthy skin on your wedding day.
1. Lovely skin starts with cleansing
Making use of a mild natural cleanser morning and evening is vital. For a natural alternative mix raw honey with a small amount of milk. Warm for a few seconds in the microwave. Use around the face and neck. Clean off with warm water an a soft cloth.
2. Steaming Is Key
Steam your face once a week to cleanse contaminants, blackheads and blemishes from your skin. Adding oils right for your skin type can be a good idea as well. Face saunas aid with this and help restore a healthy, balanced radiance.

3. Home Made Skin Scrub
Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. An easy home made scrub is to mix olive oil with brown sugar. Rub gently over your skin, then splash with chilled water to close the pours.
4. Always Moisturise
Vegetable oils such as almond or rosehip are great for keeping the skin moisturised. Even those with oily skin should moisturise as not doing so encourages your skin to create more oil to keep itself moisturised.
5. Facial Masks
A weekly face mask specific to your skin type is a must.
(Photos kindly supplied by Zara Rowlands )
6. Consider what you eat
Your skin is not only affected externally, it is also affected by what you put inside your body. Eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables high in anti-oxidants will make a huge difference to your skin and also your waistline. Try things like papaya, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and dark or red veggies such as kale, red pepper, sweet potato, carrots

7. Sleep
Ensuring you get a proper nights sleep every night is key to any beauty treatments working effectively. 8 hours a night is the recommended requirement.

Any of these tips should be tested on small skin areas to make sure you don't react to them. Also, start using these tips some months before the wedding, so in the unfortunate eventuality of a reaction there is plenty of time for your skin to recover.
General tips also include drinking plenty of fluids such as water, natural teas and juices and quitting or reducing smoking
You may also find our blog post "10 Tips For Your Wedding Morning" helpful as well.
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